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Lectures are boring. But debates, interviews, workshops, and interactive talks are not. There's nothing I like more than to talk with people about philosophical problems and solutions. I'm active in giving interviews and talks at private schools, universities, and church settings.  In particular, I am available

  • to lead workshops on ethics education

  • to participate in debates or panels

  • to present on topics in my expertise, including public ethics, viewpoint diversity, philosophical theology, and fake news




"Brilliant, and thought-provoking, Justin's address to our group of Fellows on Mis/Disinformation challenged us to fight the fake news epidemic we find ourselves entrenched in. Justin's style of keeping his presentation to a discussion style, rather than a lecture, kept our audience of 30 engaged throughout the experience. The entire Allelo team would recommend him to anyone looking for a speaker on the subject of fake news."

The day fed into my soul as a follower of Jesus and my heart as a Christian Educator. Thank you!"


"The method of "how" we teach needs to be tied to a philosophical anchor that encourages students to strive for a deeper truth."


"This was the most soul-replenishing and nourishing day that we've had. (And I've been to a lot...)"


"This is the best spiritual retreat day I can remember in my long tenure at Minnehaha Academy."



Here is what conference attendees had to say:

"You are a great speaker and I really liked how you include everybody and how you make the conversations interesting and fun to participate in." 


- 8th grade student

"Thank you so much for coming and talking to us about ethics. I loved talking and laughing with my class while you were there."

- 7th grade student

© 2020 by Anna McBrayer

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